- Fried Food
- Car Exhaust
- Money
- Drive-up menu
- Order speaker
- Cars ahead and behind
- Pay and pick-up windows
- Uniformed, surly teenager behind the glass
- Bags of food
- Money changing hands
- Overly red mulch and landscaping
- Fake stucco walls
- Service entry
- Dumpster
- Sun reflecting on dashboard
- Posters in windows advertising specials
- Dollar bills and change in hand
- Crinkling of paper or plastic bag
- Heat of a freshly made burger through the foil wrapper
- Snap of crisp french fries
- Chill and condensation from a drink cup against your palm
- Traffic
- Radio humming low
- Employee squawking from order box
- Other orders booming through speaker
- Static in order speaker
- Idling of car engine
- Commotion inside as you pull up to the window
- Russle of paper bags as you check your order
- Squeak of a straw as it slides into the plastic top