Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Swamping the Senses

Place: Marshy wetlands (in this case, near the mouth of the Mississippi River)

  • The tang of saltwater
  • Fish
  • Brown pelicans perching on ragged stumps
  • Seagulls flying overhead
  • Abandoned fishing boats
  • Buoys
  • Sunlight glinting off the water; stormclouds gathering over the water
  • Ships heading toward the wide mouth of the river
  • Brown water turning to blue as it flows from the river
  • Marsh grasses blowing in the breeze
  • Flat earth and water, as far as the eye can see
  • Steady winds blowing in from the water with nothing to slow them down
  • Heat shimmering off the water
  • Warmth of the sun
  • Gulls and other birds
  • Water lapping against the land
  • The wind blowing over the marsh grasses
  • Fish splashing
  • Ships' horns
  • Salty tang on the breeze

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