Friday, August 28, 2009

Public Restroom

Place: Public Restroom
  • Musty or damp odors
  • Acidic smell of urine
  • Disinfectant
  • Toilet bowl/urinal cakes
  • Wet or moldering paper towels
  • Clean or floral air-freshener
  • Baby wipes
  • Dirty diapers
  • Powdery, musky or clean-smelling soap
  • Burning dust on the electric hand dryer
  • Large metal or wooden swinging door/Somewhat clinical door with an angular metal handle
  • Row of metal/plastic colored stalls/Single freestanding white or black & white toilet
  • Rust spots/Paint chipping on stall doors
  • Carved, scrawled or even spray painted graffiti
  • Peeling wallpaper
  • Tile floors
  • Counter top with several sinks/Single white sink with exposed piping
  • Plastic wall mounted or metal in sink soap dispenser
  • One huge mirror or smaller mirrors for individual sinks
  • Hole in the sink, metal under the paper towel dispenser or large plastic trash cans
  • Paper towels and other garbage on the floor
  • Chrome faucets/knobs/toilet handles
  • Boxy paper towel dispensers
  • White and chrome manual or automatic hand dryers
  • Oblong metal tampon and condom dispenser with coin slot and turn knob
  • Pull down baby changing table
  • Simple metal or plastic enclosed toilet paper holder
  • Metal toilet seat cover dispenser
  • Heaviness of swinging door
  • Cold metal stall door/toilet or urinal handle/sink knobs
  • Chilly plastic or porcelain toilet seat
  • Light papery toilet seat covers
  • Stickiness of the tile floor
  • Damp or wet countertop/sink
  • Rough brown paper towels
  • Warm air through fingers from the hand dryer
  • Thud of someone hitting the swinging door as they enter the bathroom
  • Whir of the air conditioner
  • Bang of stalls closing
  • Squeaky stall hinges
  • Click of door/stall locks
  • Dripping water from a faucet
  • Puff of automatic air-freshener
  • Tinkling on porcelain
  • Clanking of toilet seat against the rim on sitting down
  • Flush of toilets/urinals
  • Rattle of toilet paper roll spinning
  • Compression of the soap dispenser plunger
  • Puff of air before the automatic faucet cuts on
  • Creak of sink knobs
  • Stream of water from the faucet
  • Gurgle of the drain
  • Buzz of automatic paper towel dispenser
  • Clunk of paper towel roll shifting inside a manual dispenser
  • Tearing of paper towels from the roll
  • Pop of the metal button on the electric hand dryer
  • Blast of air from electric hand dryer
  • Noises from the other (men’s or women’s) bathroom
Image credits: Unknown, Holy Shizzle by m_lavigne


  1. You ladies are doing a great job so far. Keep up the good work.

    I wanted to add a suggestion if I may. What if you made this even more digital? I found myself wondering if the above picture was from the bathroom you visited. But I see no peeling wallpaper, so I'm going to assume that it's not. So what if you turned these experiments into either a photo journal, picking out little details that most people either miss or forget. And other times you could make a video. That would catch some of those sounds.

    Since we all tend to miss details, and that's the entire point of this blog, the photos and or videos would give readers a chance to take part in describing as well, maybe even catching things that you might miss.

    It also might make the posts easier because you could let the photos and vids do some of the work for you. :)

    Just a thought.

  2. I thought about that and will probably do so with some things. I'm just leary about taking photos or short video in some places though because many establishments are not fans of photography. For instance, taking a video in Walmart might get me a good talking to by a manager.

    Love the idea, it's just the execution that worries me in some places. I will, however, take the opportunity when it presents itself.
